Fishing Rod Advertising Campaign
A pun-filled twist on classic fishing advertisements
After seeing Facebook's advertising campaign, I decided to take on a campaign of my own. After looking at ads on facebook and wondering which ones actually got "liked," "shared," and "followed" the most, I decided to go with this campaign for Fishing Rods. The target audience of teenage to middle-aged men would normally breeze over advertisements; however, my ad, riddled with sexual puns, allowed the men a good laugh and promoted my product further, regardless if they even fished. 1. Have you ever just wanted to go out to the public park, sneak off to the woods, find a little stream, pull out your worm, and prepare your pole for a good time? When you need that little alone time, there is nothing better than fishing! Some get away from the wife, grab your pole, and have a little “me time.†2. You ever just see something on the internet that made you drop your mouse and grab your pole? There is nothing more exhilarating than going to a public park, dropping your fly, and snagging a big fish off the cast! Also, a great way to get away from the wife. Flying-fishing poles on sale now! 3. Learn proper technique for handling your pole! In just three minutes, you will learn proper technique for handling your pole, casting out, and reeling in a big fish! These tricks will help make sure your next fishing trip is not a bust. Click now!